What to do when an abandoned animal is found.

You can learn what you can do to help staff in situations where there are abandoned animals at a property.

Discovering an abandoned animal can be a distressing situation, especially for tenants who may not be familiar with the appropriate steps to take. As a responsible individual, it's important to ensure the well-being and safety of the abandoned animal. This article guides what a tenant can do when faced with such a situation.

  1. Assess the animal's immediate safety

    1. When you encounter an abandoned animal, prioritize its safety. Observe the animal from a distance to determine if it appears injured, malnourished, or in immediate danger.

    2. If the animal is in immediate distress, contact local animal control for immediate assistance.

  2. Do not approach or attempt to capture the animal

    1. Approaching an unknown and possibly frightened animal can be dangerous for both you and the animal. Animals may react unpredictably when scared or threatened. Instead, keep a safe distance and observe its behavior until professional help arrives.

  3. Contact local animal welfare organizations

    1. Reach out to local animal shelters, rescue groups, or animal welfare organizations. They have the expertise and resources to handle abandoned animals and can guide the next steps to take. Provide them with details about the animal's location, condition, and any other pertinent information.

  4. Document the situation

    1. Take photos or videos of the abandoned animal, focusing on any visible injuries, distinguishing features, or signs of neglect. These visual records can assist animal welfare organizations in their assessment and may be required for documentation purposes later on.

  5. Share information with neighbors or property management

    1. Inform your neighbors

      1. See if you can locate whom the animal belongs to or at least make your neighbors aware of the issue. Collaboration with others can increase the chances of finding a solution for the animal's well-being.
    2. Inform property management about the abandoned animal by emailing us with as much information as possible.

      1. We may have information regarding the animal's owner or be able to assist in coordinating efforts to ensure the animal's safety. 

      2. Helpful information would be photos, color markings, whom the animal belongs to, rabies/animal tag information, etc.
  6. Follow legal requirements

    1. Research local laws and regulations regarding abandoned animals. In some jurisdictions, there may be specific reporting or care protocols that need to be followed. Adhering to these legal requirements will ensure that the situation is handled appropriately and ethically.
  7. Do not offer to foster or adopt without approval
    1. If the abandoned animal is not claimed by an owner or taken in by a rescue organization, you may consider getting involved further. If you decide to foster the animal temporarily, provide necessary care, or assist in finding it a permanent home it is pertinent that you email our staff for approval before homing the animal to avoid a breach of the lease. 
    2. When possible, working with reputable animal organizations can help ensure the animal receives the care and attention it deserves.

Encountering an abandoned animal as a tenant can be a challenging situation. By taking immediate action, contacting local animal welfare organizations, documenting the situation, and involving your neighbors or property management, you can help ensure the abandoned animal receives the necessary care. Remember to prioritize your safety and follow legal requirements while staying involved to promote the well-being of the abandoned animal.