What to do in a fire emergency.

Some simple steps to handle a fire-related emergency.

In times of fire emergencies, it's crucial to act quickly and efficiently. The stress and chaos of such situations can make it easy to forget important steps. This article outlines a series of simple steps to help you handle a fire-related emergency effectively.

  1. Call the fire department

    1. The first step is to immediately contact the fire department by dialing 911. Inform them about the situation and provide them with accurate details about the location of the fire.
  2. Ensure personal safety

    1. When the fire department arrives, prioritize your safety and follow their instructions. Evacuate the premises promptly and assist others in doing so as well. Always prioritize human life over belongings.
  3. Submit a work order and notify your property management company

    1. To notify us of this situation, start by creating a work order. This way, we can track all the issues that have arisen due to the emergency & resolve them.
      1. You can also contact our 24/7 emergency service line (314-325-8328)
    2. If possible, make a list of damages with corresponding photos.
  4. Coordinate a temporary place to stay

    1. Unless instructed otherwise by the fire department or property management, make arrangements for temporary accommodation until it is safe to return to the property.
    2. Reach out to friends, family, or consider staying in a hotel or Airbnb until you receive clearance to re-enter.
      1. Renter's insurance will typically help cover these expenses.
  5. Take inventory of the damages

    1. Your property manager will likely be unable to cover the additional financial burdens you've encountered. This is why it is important to have renter's insurance and savings in case of emergencies. 
    2. If it is safe to do so, take photographs or videos of the damages caused by the fire. These visual records will be helpful for insurance claims and as evidence of the extent of the damage. 
  6. Contact your renter's insurance agent

    1. Having renter's insurance any time you rent a property is a good idea. This way, you can receive assistance for losses you may have encountered in emergencies like this. If you have renter's insurance, make sure to file a claim as soon as possible to see how they can help.
  7. Explore community relief services

    1. In cases where a wide area is affected by the fire, there may be community services offering assistance. Look into local resources that can provide support during this challenging time.
  8. Stay informed and patient

    1. Once you are in a safe place and repairs have begun, be patient and wait for updates from your property management. Property damage restoration can take time, as permits and inspections may be required.

    2. The property management team will notify you when it is safe to resume occupancy. Often the city, county, or municipality must be contacted to clear certain permits before a tenant can move back in. 

In the event of a fire emergency, remember to prioritize personal safety above all else. By following these steps, including contacting the fire department, documenting damages, finding temporary accommodation, and working with your property management and insurance agent, you can navigate the situation more effectively. Stay informed, patient, and proactive throughout the process to ensure a smoother recovery.