How to replace your furnace filter and obtain your filter size

Replacing your furnace filter regularly is crucial for maintaining optimal indoor air quality and ensuring your HVAC system runs efficiently. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of replacing your furnace filter step-by-step and also show you how to notate the size of the filter for future reference. The process is relatively simple and can be completed within a few minutes. Let's get started!

Step 1: Locate the Furnace Filter:

  1. In a single-family home, the furnace filter is usually located near the blower motor or air handler. Common locations include the return air duct, the furnace cabinet, or in a slot within the return air grille.

Here is an example of where the filter might be located.


Step 2: Remove the Old Furnace Filter:

  1. Open the furnace access panel or grille to access the existing filter.
  2. Carefully slide the old filter out of its slot. Take note of its orientation if it's not marked, so you can insert the new one correctly.

Step 3: Check the Size of the Old Furnace Filter:

  1. On the side of the old filter, you should find its dimensions printed in the format:
    1. Example: Length x Width x Depth (e.g., 16" x 20" x 1").
  2. If the size isn't clearly marked on the filter, measure its dimensions using a tape measure. Note the measurements down.

Step 5: Install the New Furnace Filter:

  1. Ensure the new filter matches the correct size and fits snugly into the filter slot. Pay attention to the airflow direction marked on the filter frame.
  2. Slide the filter into the slot following the correct orientation (if applicable) or according to the airflow direction arrow.
  3. Close the furnace access panel or grille securely.

Step 7: Regularly Replace the Furnace Filter:

  1. It is recommended to replace the furnace filter every 1-3 months, depending on your usage and the filter type. Check the filter regularly and replace it when it appears dirty or clogged.
  2. Follow the same steps above each time you replace the filter.

Replacing your furnace filter is a simple yet essential maintenance task to keep your HVAC system running smoothly and maintain good indoor air quality. By following this tutorial and notating the filter size for future reference, you can ensure that the process becomes even more straightforward in the future. Regular maintenance will extend the life of your furnace and help you breathe cleaner, healthier air in your single-family home.